About KMCH Pharmacy About KMCH Pharmacy

Leading through innovation

Department of Pharmacognosy

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About Department


Pharmacognosy is an applied science that involves the study of physical, chemical, biochemical and biological properties of natural drugs including the search for new drugs and its standardization. It is a vital link between Ayurvedic and Allopathic system of medicine and one of the core subjects in the entire pharmacy curriculum like, D.Pharm, B.Pharm and Pharm D program.

The Department of Pharmacognosy is actively imparting the profound knowledge of Pharmacognosy and herbal drug technologies to the students of KMCH College of Pharmacy.

A separate museum with more than 200 specimens of crude drugs, herbal charts, herbarium collections and marketed herbal formulations including Siddha and Ayurvedic formulations are maintained to impart traditional knowledge to the students. Further to make aware of the students to common traditional herbs, a separate medicinal plant garden is maintained with around 200 medicinal plants with name board displaying botanical name, active constituents and uses. Students are involved and encouraged to maintain the garden to make them familiar with the medicinal herbs.

Salient Features of Department

The major instruments and facilities available in the department of Pharmacognosy are

  • HPTLC, GC and HPLC for Phytochemical analysis
  • Soxhlet Apparatus for herbal extract preparation
  • Muffle furnace for ash value determination
  • Clevenger apparatus for volatile oil distillation
  • Column chromatography for Phytochemical separation
  • Polarized microscope for histochemical studies of crude drugs
  • Motorized pulverizer for crude drug size reduction
  • RO unit for regular supply of deionized water for lab use
  • Trinocular light microscope for microscopical study of crude drugs



  • Phytochemical analysis of natural products/product formulations
  • Isolation and identification of active constituents of natural sources
  • Separation of Volatile constituents
  • In-vitro animal cell culture laboratory for in vitro toxicology and pharmacological studies for both natural and synthetic molecules.