About KMCH Pharmacy About KMCH Pharmacy

Leading through innovation


The rapid growth of pharmaceutical industry in India has resulted into an increased demand for skilled pharmaceutical graduates. In order to keep up the pace of the fast-changing scenario, the academia should be responsive in building fundamental concepts, emphasizing practical exposure to the latest techniques used in industry to the graduates.

Both industry and academia have different mindsets and goals. Pharma curriculum is mainly oriented towards the conventional needs of an industry which inturn creates a gap between industry and academia.Pharma graduates may possess minimum skills to meet all industrial requirements. Students should expose more practical experience apart from the theoretical knowledge.

KMCH College of Pharmacy brings changes in the educational system to ensure that industry expectation is met without compromising academic goals the Pharma education with realistic training and skills to bridge the gap between the Industry and academia. As the world is becoming more and more professionally competent, it is paramount to enhance professional standards of graduates to keep their wheel moving.This is possible through industry academia collaboration.

Academia-industry interaction is a part of the education in KMCH College of Pharmacy and have MOU with various industries to align the course contents with their needs. Curriculam is fostered with inclusion of case studies, training programmes, course works, Simulation labs and summer internships programmes.


Name of the Organization


1 Quest International university, Malaysia - Aug 2024 Internship Training & Exchange of Students
2 University of Cyberjaya, Malaysia - Aug 2024 Internship Training & Exchange of Students


Aastik Pharma Pvt. Ltd, Coimbatore

Industrial Visit and Training


Best care Pharmaceuticals, Pondicherry

Industrial Visit, Research and Internship Training


Department of Science and Technology,
Government of India, New Delhi

Research and Product Development


Doctor Thangs Products, Coimbatore

Research and Product Development


Kaleesuwari Refinery Pvt Ltd, Chennai



Kovai Medical Center and Hospital, Coimbatore

Internship Training


TeknoTherm Industries, Coimbatore

Biomedical Waste Disposal


Visu Pon Pharmaceuticals, Erode

Industrial Visit and Training
