About KMCH Pharmacy About KMCH Pharmacy

Leading through innovation

Department of Pharmacology

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About Department


Department of Pharmacology provides advanced training in various aspects of pharmacology, molecular biology, pre-clinical & clinical drug development and Pharmacotherapeutics.

Department comprises of a diverse group of faculties who are highly qualified and experienced and work to advance the forefronts of new knowledge to develop novel therapeutic approaches for treatment of diseases. The scope of the department is to provide cellular and molecular pathways in living systems as the first step towards a greater understanding of disease and effective treatment. The development of new and successful effective drugs requires advancement and insights generated by scientific research for the students of D.Pharm, B.Pharm, M.Pharm and Pharm.D. This perspective makes our students are adhere in a wide range of careers and our program is committed to developing leaders in academia, industry, clinical and regulatory affairs.

Salient Features of Department:

The department has centralized animal house approved by CPCSEA for conducting experiments on Mice, Rats, Guinea Pigs and Rabbits.

The following major instruments are available in the department of Pharmacology




Audiogenic Test Chamber

Light / Dark apparatus

Brightness Apparatus

Perfused Heart Chamber

Continuous Avoidance Apparatus

Perfusion of Mammalian Heart Chamber

Cooks Pole climbing apparatus


Digital Physiograph

Pole climbing apparatus

Digital Plethythismograph

Rectangular Maze

Eddy’s Hot Plate


Elevated Plus Maze

Stereotaxic Apparatus

Hebbs William Maze

Y Maze

Hole Board apparatus




The Department of Pharmacology is actively involved in executing projects related to arthritis, cancer, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hyper-lipidemia, cardiovascular, psychopharmacology, neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer, Parkinson’s diseases, respiratory disorders, drug delivery systems, drug interaction studies, toxicological evaluation and in-vitro assay development.
