About KMCH Pharmacy About KMCH Pharmacy

Leading through innovation

Pharm D (PB)

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Pharm.D (PB) Program is a three-year post-graduate program for pursuance by eligible graduates of Pharmacy. This program includes two years of didactic study (similar to Pharm.D), a research project and one-year internship. During the phase of internship, candidates are imparted advanced lessons in clinical pharmacy services or pharmacy practice under the supervision of faculty members and clinical preceptors.


3 years




10 Seats


B.Pharmacy degree with 55% marks

Computer Science

Eligibilty for Admission

  • Graduates who have completed B.Pharm from a PCI recognized institute are eligible to pursue Pharm D (Post-Baccalaureate) course. Minimum aggregate marks required 50%.
  • The curricula and syllabi for the program shall be prescribed by Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi and The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R Medical University, Chennai.
  • Each academic year shall consist of not less than 270 working days (inclusive of the University exam days). Candidate is required to put in at least 80% attendance in individual courses considering theory and practical separately. The candidate shall complete the prescribed course satisfactorily to be eligible to appear for the respective examinations.

Clinical pharmacist

Collaboratively work with healthcare professionals. Involve in therapeutic planning, evaluate appropriateness of prescribed medication, monitor patient progress, and counsel patients on medication use.

Community pharmacist

Serve the public by processing prescription, review the use of medication, respond to symptoms of minor ailments, ADR monitoring, conduct health awareness camps and play a role in vaccination programs

Pharmacovigilance/ Drug Safety

Document, process and ensure data accuracy/consistency of post-marketing and investigational product safety issues.

Clinical Trials / Research

  • Work as project assistants at research institute or research fellows. Here they are required to assist and work on a particular project this makes them gain experience and move ahead in research field.
  • Involve in various phases of clinical trials / research like early phase development (Phase I) and Late phase development (Phase II and III human trials) – pharmaceutical product utilization, treatment modalities, pharmacokinetic/dynamic relationships and drug-drug interactions.
  • Provide views on pharmaceutical aspects of study design.
  • At clinical trial site, provide well-balanced information and recommend patient participation.

Medical science liaison

Communicate clinical information between pharmaceutical companies and medical practitioner

Medical and scientific affairs

  • Plan and organize precise medical education programs.
  • Act as a scientific resource person and through various programs disseminate information about products to the customer.

Drug safety and risk management

  • Recognize the market value for a product.
  • Ensure safe and effective use of the product.

Health economics and outcomes research

  • For healthcare system and society provide a perceived information about cost and consequences of medication therapy.
  • Provide clinical development information for decision makers on patient access to drugs and services.

Drug information pharmacist

Cater appropriate and complete drug information to healthcare professionals systematically.

Medical writing

Create scientific documents for regulatory / research activities, drug-related promotion / education and content for medical websites.

Drug Regulatory affairs

Engage in various processes of drug development and regulation.


Teach B.Pharm, M.Pharm and Pharm.D students.

Course Outline

First   year subjects

Second  year subjects

Final  year subjects


Clinical Research *

1 year long internship (residency training). 

Hospital Pharmacy

Pharmacoepidemiology & Pharmacoeconomics*


Clinical Pharmacy

Clinical Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacotherapeutic Drug Monitoring*


Biostatistics & Research Methodology*


(Attending ward rounds on daily basis)


Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics

Project work


Clinical Toxicology



Pharmacotherapeutics-I, II



* indicate No Practical Subjects



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